Countries with the best stay-back options

study abroad

Are you considering studying abroad and want to know about the stay-back and work options available for international students? This blog explores the best possibilities of stay-back for international students in popular study destinations.  When considering options to study abroad, it’s important to consider the options available for international students to remain in the country after completing their studies. The chance to gain work experience abroad can greatly influence a student’s decision. Seeking guidance from study abroad consultants can help you make an informed choice. To ensure you receive the necessary support and advice, it’s crucial to find the best overseas education consultancy. While some countries appreciate human resources wherever they come from and try to retain them, others don’t necessarily entertain such a practice. At least, not yet. 

Here is the summary of the stay-back options in some popular study destinations:

1. France: Stayback option for two years with the opportunity to work 964 hours per year.

If you are unable to get a job contract, Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour (APS) allows you up to a year of temporary residence in the country. 

2. Ireland: Stayback option for one to two years, with the flexibility to work 20 hours per week and 40 hours during holidays.

3. Finland: Stayback option for two years with the ability to work 30 hours per week and unlimited hours during holidays.

4. Netherlands: Stay back option for 12 months, allowing students to work 16 hours per week.

However, the Netherlands offers an advantage to international students from European Union countries. They receive additional benefits without needing to apply for any permit.

5. Germany: Stayback option for 18 months, offering the possibility to work for 120 full days or 240 half days per year.

6. Sweden: Stayback option for one year, permitting students to work unlimited hours per year.

7. Canada: Stay back option for up to three years for work. Can apply for permanent residence after that.

8. New Zealand: Stay back option for up to three years for work after graduation.

9. USA: Stay back option for up to a year for work after graduation, with a possible extension of another two years for eligible candidates.

10. Ireland: Stay back option for up to a year for work after graduation. But, having level 9 or above in the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) allows you an additional year for stay back.

11. Singapore: Flexible stay-back options for work after graduation. But, first, you need to convert your student visa into a visiting visa, which allows you a year for job-hunting.

12. Italy: Stay back option for up to a year for job hunting after graduation. After that, five years of temporary residence in the country allow you to transition into a permanent resident.

These options can play a crucial role in your decision-making process when choosing a study destination. The stay-back options offered by different countries can greatly influence the choices made by international students. From France to Sweden, each destination presents unique opportunities for post-study work experience. It is important for students to carefully consider these options and weigh them against their career aspirations and personal goals. By understanding the stay-back options available in different countries, students can make well-informed decisions that will shape their academic and professional futures.

Deciding to study abroad is an exciting and life-changing decision, and seeking guidance from overseas education consultants can help you make the right choice. Consulting with one of the best study abroad consultancy, Infos Connect can help you navigate the stay-back options available in different study destinations and assist you in getting placed in the best universities in top destinations.

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